Partly Facetious: 'Go Nawaz go' has become youth's mantra
"Meera elicited calls of Go Nawaz Go when she visited a school."
"That's become the youth mantra and for the life of me I don't understand how it has caught on. I mean Go Musharraf Go, go Zardari go never caught on that much."
"It's that dratted Imran Khan."
"Well, yeah, Khan is annoying but surely Mian sahib must acknowledge that counter attack strategy is not succeeding. He needs to respond to some of the charges. Now we all know his sons are not resident in this country, we also know that they have considerable wealth that they have from this country - I mean it's not as if they are accountants amassing wealth..."
"Accountants don't amass wealth my friend."
"In this country they do - wealth and powerful friends..."
"You are being facetious besides his sons are not resident here and..."
"And they, being minors they cannot donate for the flood victims - I mean it's our tax money that is being distributed."
"You are looking at the glass as half empty."
"How is it half full?"
"Well, I am sure you are aware that Quaid-e-Azam's only child never got Pakistani nationality and..."
"You are joking!"
"No, I am not and you should be proud of Mian sahib for keeping one daughter with him in the country."
"One out of four is it?"
"It's still a higher percentage relative to the father of the nation."
"You cannot compare the Quaid with any of these leaders today."
"Ah but the leaders themselves do make frequent comparisons or at least claim that they would establish the Quaid's vision and..."
"Oh don't be so huffy, besides Mian sahib has set a precedent, good precedent - he is the first prime minister who went to Miranshah! And need I add he was probably guided by democratically elected Western leaders -all Western leaders have visited Kabul and met their troops."
"So the glass is really half full hunh!"
"Ha ha ha."
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